B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Top 5 Reasons Your AC Isn’t Keeping Your Home Cool Enough

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

It’s not fun during the dog days of summer to discover your air conditioning system has fallen behind on its work. You can hear the AC running and the familiar sound of the compressor kicking on, yet something isn’t right. People in the house are complaining about the heat, some rooms are hotter than before, and you find yourself pushing the thermostat lower than usual.

First, don’t lower the thermostat to counter this problem. It may make the situation worse. If you suspect your AC isn’t cooling enough, you’ll probably need the assistance of an HVAC company in Frederick, MD to find out why. Second … well, second is the rest of this post: the top five reasons you may have an AC that can’t keep up with the late summer heat. 

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What to Look for in a New Air Conditioner

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Our summers can get pretty hot. That is why many homeowners look to get the best possible central air conditioning installation in Rockville, MD. A modern, advanced air conditioner that is installed and checked regularly by a professional service like B&B Air Conditioning & Heating Service ensures cool and pleasant summers for many years to come.

In this blog, we look at several important factors that you should consider before buying a new air conditioner.

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Your AC May Not Be Enough to Deal With High Humidity

Monday, June 28th, 2021

Humidity. It’s an ugly word during the summer because it makes hot days worse. Humidity doesn’t make the temperature warmer; it makes it harder for the human body to release heat through perspiration, which traps extra heat in the body and makes the temperature feel higher. When relative humidity rises above 60%, the difference in what the temperature feels like can be as much as 8° to 10° higher. 

But you have an air conditioning system in your house to cool you off so you won’t have to sweat it out when the temperature rises. Sometimes, the AC may be all you need to enjoy comfort. But there are other times when the humidity level puts the air conditioner to the test—that extra 10° difference means you have to run the AC longer to cool down, and muggy air will still feel unpleasant. Can you do anything about this?

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When Will I Need More Refrigerant in My AC?

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

The simple answer to this question is “Hopefully never.” 

Confused? Don’t worry—many people aren’t used to how refrigerant works in their homes’ air conditioning systems. We’re glad to shed light on this to help you better understand how your AC runs. Knowing just a bit about AC refrigerants can help you know when you need to call us for professional repairs for your air conditioning in Annapolis, MD.

We’re going to divide the answer to the original question into two parts: Why you shouldn’t need to put more refrigerant in your AC and Why you might need more refrigerant anyway.

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The Top 6 Warnings You Need Air Conditioner Repair

Monday, May 17th, 2021

As warm weather settles in, you’ll rely more often on your home’s air conditioner to keep your family cool. Like any machine, too much strain on an AC system can cause it to break down or malfunction and provide substandard cooling. 

As the summer starts and you make more requests of your air conditioning system, it’s a good idea to know the signs that you need to call us for air conditioning repair in Fairfax, VA. The sooner you get a problem addressed, the better it is for the AC as a whole.

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Is a Heat Pump as Effective at Cooling as an Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

If you’ve never used a heat pump for home comfort before, you’ll likely have many questions about them. Most people in our area grew up in homes that used a combination of a furnace (gas or electric) and an air conditioner, usually housed in the same cabinet and using the same blower fan. A heat pump replaces both the air conditioner and furnace, working as a home’s combined cooling and heating system. It’s a great convenience, and if installed properly a heat pump can be a money-saving addition to a house. 

But can a heat pump do as effective a job at heating and cooling as either a furnace or an air conditioner? Does the two-in-one functionality mean sacrificing power? Since summer is coming up, we’ll address the question of cooling first (and we will have a little to say about heating at the end).

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AC Sizing: It’s Why You Need Pros to Install Your Air Conditioner

Monday, April 19th, 2021

‘Tis the season to install a new air conditioning system! (Well, if you need one at least. If you aren’t sure, please call our technicians to ask them if an air conditioning installation in Fairfax, VA is something you should have done this spring.) With the summer weather not far away, now is a good time to take advantage of the relatively mild weather and go over your options to replace your old AC. And then take this simple quiz:

The easiest way to install a new AC is to…

  1. Do it yourself. There are plenty of online tutorials that make it a snap!
  2. Get Phil to do it. You know, Phil. That guy who says he can install anything as good as a pro.
  3. Call licensed and professionals HVAC technicians to handle the service.

The right answer is…

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The 5 Biggest Benefits of Spring AC Maintenance

Monday, April 5th, 2021

When spring arrives, it’s time to schedule the annual maintenance for your air conditioning system. This is the best way to prepare your AC for the hard work it will perform over the summer keeping your family cool and comfortable. Every HVAC contractor recommends maintenance for air conditioners in spring, and we have our own HVAC maintenance program to help make this job easier for our customers.

“Is this really that important?” some people ask when told about maintenance. The answer is yes. There are many reasons why HVAC maintenance is done twice annually (the AC in spring, the heater in fall) is vital. 

Below we’ve listed the five biggest benefits of having maintenance. After reading it, we think you’ll agree this is a service you’ll want to keep up with each year.

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